Saving for that holiday? That car? Or maybe just want some extra money for a rainy day?
Register your Morrisons Equal Pay Claim

Please scroll to the bottom and accept the terms and conditions.
The information set out here forms part of your contract with Roscoe Reid ("we", "us", "our"). We refer to this document as the "Information Sheet".
About Us and Our Service
Roscoe Reid LLP is a law firm regulated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority and registered under SRA number 638462.
We will assess the information you have provided, and if appropriate, pursue a claim for equal pay (and possibly related claims) on your behalf. We will let you know whether we will take your claim on. If so, we will contact you regularly with updates on the progress of your case. However, as these cases can take a long time to resolve, there may be periods of some weeks or more in which you do not hear from us. You can of course contact us at any time for an update on your claim.
Your claim will be dealt with by a team of experienced claims handlers and supervised by qualified solicitors. The person with overall responsibility for supervision is James Sharkey, as senior solicitor with over 15 years' experience.
Main terms of your DBA
A DBA is sometimes called a "no-win no-fee" agreement. The basic principle is that we will only be paid and our expenses recovered if you win your claim. Our payment is calculated as a percentage (25% plus VAT) of your compensation.
There are exceptions to the "no-win no-fee" concept where you may have to pay our Costs and Expenses (as defined in the DBA), for example if you wish to terminate the agreement early or you behave unreasonably by not co-operating with us. The exceptions are set out at clauses 7 and 8 of the DBA.
If you become liable for our costs and expenses, they will be calculated as follows:
We generally charge for our work at the following hourly rates:
- Standard letters and telephone calls are charged at 6 minutes. More complicated letters or calls are calculated at an hourly rate basis.
- Expenses such as barrister’s fees and the cost of producing an expert’s report may be incurred on your individual claim, in which case you will be responsible for those expenses in their entirety or a proportion of those if we have spread them across a number of claimants.
➔ Paralegal/trainee solicitor £120
➔ Qualified solicitor £250 to £290
➔ Partner/director £380
We are unable at this stage to give you a reasonable estimate of the amount that is likely to be spent on expenses because we have not yet assessed your individual claim. However, typical expenses include:
- Court fees: there are currently no court fees for issuing employment tribunal claims. If you have ceased employment with Morrisons more than 6 months before we issue your claim, then we will issue it in the county court. Issue fees in the county court vary according to the value of the claim. In your case we expect the fees to be up to about £500. We try, wherever possible, to group claimants together so that the court fee can be apportioned across all claimants in that group.
- Postage, couriers, photocopying, search fees and similar expenses: our aim is to work electronically wherever possible. If it is necessary to send documents by post, our standard practice for non-urgent post is to do so by 2nd class post. Search fees vary depending on the nature of the search. The current cost of identity check search fee can range from approximately £1.50 to £2. We currently charge 25p per page for black and white photocopying and printing, and 50p per page for coloured photocopying and printing. We cannot anticipate the level of expenses that are likely to fall in this category.
- Travel expenses: to and from court hearings, to settlement meetings and for meetings with experts or barristers. Once apportioned across all claimants, these expenses are unlikely to be significant.
- Experts' fees: it is possible that the employment tribunal will appoint an expert which is usually free of charge. However, we may need the assistance of a further expert. We are unable to estimate at this stage how much that is likely to cost. However, unless specific to your individual case, the experts' fees are likely to be apportioned across a number of claimants.
- Barristers' fees: we will instruct barristers to provide advice and represent you in court. We are unable to estimate at this stage how much that is likely to cost. However, unless specific to your individual case, the experts' fees are likely to be apportioned across a number of claimants.
Review of Costs
If you become liable to pay our costs and expenses that we have incurred in pursing your claim, you have a right to have those costs reviewed.
In the first instance, you should discuss the matter directly with us by contacting us through one of the methods set out below.
If we cannot resolve your concerns, then you are entitled to seek a review of our costs. You can do so by contacting the Legal Ombudsman. We will provide you with more information on how to do this upon request.
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS)
ACAS operates as a neutral third party to help workers and employers to resolve their differences, including equal pay claims, through conciliation either before legal proceedings have been issued and more commonly afterwards. The service is free to use.
ACAS's website can be found at or you can call them 08457 474747 to find out more.
Funding your claim
We only operate one funding method: the damages-based agreement which we have described above. However, there are other ways you could fund a claim which you can consider, but for which you would have to find other legal representation. These are:
Trade Union
If you are member of a trade union, you can make enquiries with your union about whether they will support your claim and on what terms.
Legal Expenses Insurance
You may have a stand-alone legal expenses insurance policy, or you may have legal expenses insurance as part of another policy, for example car, home or buildings insurance.
We do not take on insured claims, but we recommend that you contact your insurer to explore whether they will cover your claim and on what terms they will do so. You will most likely be referred to the insurer's preferred solicitors.
Other types of fee agreements
You may find that other firms of solicitors are prepared to take on your claim with other types of fee agreements, such as conditional fee agreements or on a fee paying basis. If you are interested in finding out more, you are free to contact other solicitors.
Data protection
Our full data protection and privacy policy is here: link
We share information with selected partners who support us in pursuing your claim and who assist us in contacting you. In particular, we work closely with Pay Justice Limited, who may contact you to assist us with progressing your claim. Pay Justice data protection policy can be found here: link.
Other than the selected partners set out at 6.2, we will not share your data with any other third party or use it for any purpose not linked to your claim or potential claim.
Contacting Roscoe Reid
By email:
By phone: 0800 061 2137
By post: Equal Pay Department, Roscoe Reid LLP, Aspen House, Central Boulevard, Blythe Valley Park, Solihull B90 8AJ.
In the first instance, if you have a complaint, you should discuss the matter directly with us by contacting us through one of the methods set out at paragraph 7 above.
We have a written complaints procedure, a copy of which is available on request.
If you have a complaint about our service and you are not satisfied with the way we deal with your complaint, you are entitled to complain to the Legal Ombudsman within 6 months of receiving our final response to your complaint. More information, including contact details, is available on the Legal Ombudsman's website
If your identity hasn't already been verified, we may be in contact in the future. Please be sure to check your emails as Pay Justice will be in contact detailing the next steps to take. In the meantime, you can still sign your no-win, no fee agreement.
On the next page, follow these yellow symbols to easily complete your registration.

Equal Pay Claims by the numbers

Please be assured that strong victimisation laws are in place to protect you from any negative action being taken against you for bringing an equal pay claim. If you have any concerns about this or any other questions about the claim, you can call us and speak to our team in confidence.